Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT)

I’m personally a big fan of the ideas and tools from Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT). ACT helps us commit to creating a rich and meaningful life based on what truly matters to us, while accepting the pain that life (yes, every life!) inevitably brings. Acceptance is a key component of this approach because, time and again, we see that it’s not the unpleasant emotions or negative thoughts that make life difficult, but our constant struggle against them - trying to avoid, control, or fight these uncomfortable thoughts and feelings.

Take a moment to check for yourself: how often do you get caught up in them? And ask yourself honestly, has this fight been successful? Have all the doubts, fears, or difficult thoughts and emotions simply disappeared? In most cases, the answer is no. The fight feels endless and takes so much of your energy.

The good news is that we can learn many tools and techniques to let go of that struggle and instead focus on what truly matters in our lives and ACT is an amazing and truly transformative approach to do that.

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) is a highly evidence-based approach, supported by a wealth of research. It has been proven effective for a wide range of challenges, including anxiety, depression, trauma-related issues, addiction, stress, burnout, compulsive behaviors, intrusive thoughts, and more. ACT is also widely used in coaching to help individuals gain clarity about their goals and values, make better decisions, overcome procrastination, increase self-acceptance and compassion, and much more.

Key dimensions of ACT:

  • Exploring and clarifying your core values, your heart’s deepest desires for how you want to live your life. Those values will then serve as the guiding stars of your life, inspiring you, motivating you and providing the direction (even in times of adversity and despair) towards the life you really strive to live.

  • Knowing that difficult thoughts and feelings are an inevitable aspect of all of our lives, you will develop psychological skills to deal more effectively with them and learn how to reduce their grip and impact on your life.

  • Focusing your attention more and more on the present moment and engaging fully in whatever you are doing.

  • This results in more psychological flexibility and in living a life that is based on your very individual core values and goals. This comes as a truly liberating experience of a rich, vivid and meaningful life – with all its facets.

When we work with ACT we'll focus on these six core processes:

  • Acceptance: Learning to embrace uncomfortable feelings or thoughts without fighting against them.
  • Cognitive Defusion: Distancing oneself from distressing thoughts to reduce their impact.
  • Mindfulness: Staying present in the moment and consciously directing attention.
  • Self as Context: Developing the understanding that thoughts and feelings are only parts of the overall experience.
  • Clarification of Values: Gaining clarity about your deepest beliefs and values.
  • Committed Action: Taking purposeful actions that align with your values to create lasting change.

Let's get in touch...

Curious to try out and learn more about ACT?

Write me a note and I'll get back to you shortly.


Mental Health | Coaching | Hypnosis

Manuel Haeussler

Kiyovu, Kigali, Rwanda

Copyright © 2024 Manuel Haeussler